söndag 4 juni 2017

Interview with an Iraqi Soldier

1.Hallo, would you like to introduce your self to the readers, and giving them a little bit of your background?

My name is Noor which means light or glow in Arabic and I'm 21 years old, half European, half Arabic middle eastern, and Türkic. I came from a muslim shiite family and I lived as a muslim for the first 16 years of my life until I started to learn and read about paganism, the Germanic law, and the sagas so after a long time of thinking I decided to convert to paganism and discover more about my ancestry.

2.Today in Europe and I suppose most of the rest of the western world we are not in general especially aware of the positive relations European nationalists had with the Arab world. How do arabs, (in you case foremost Iraqis) in general view the European national socialism and fascism from the time prior to 1945 vs present day?

Arabs and Iraqi people especially helped and volunteered to help the European national socialist and fascist movement in the time of the Iraqi kingdom during WWII. The Iraqi royal family was supporting the axis forces in the war undercover and there was a pro-german revolt in Iraq leaded by Rashid Ali al-Gaylani against the British forces in Iraq. Arabs and Iraqi people always supported fascism and national socialism, even nowadays but of course not all of them.

3.You have mentioned in a previous conversation you and I had that you have relatives who fought in the Free Arabian Legion that where under German command in WW2 and even met Hitler him self personally. Can you tell about this and the history of Free Arabian Legion?

Yes, it was my great grandfather and two of his brothers. My great grandfather was a revolutionary against the British imperialists in Iraq and after the WWII started and the Iraqi pro-german revolt happened in Iraq under the leadership of Rashid Ali al-Gaylani. My great grandfather and two of his brothers decided to join the Free Arab Legion which was founded by Rashid Ali al-Gaylani and Amin al-Husseini (the Grand Muslim Mufti of Jerusalem). My great grandfather and his brothers joined and went to Germany undercover alongside many other Iraqi and Arab volunteers and went through Turkey and then joined the forces in Germany to be sent to the front and start fighting.

4.Your country got attacked and laid in ruins by USA in 2003. In my personal opinion it was clearly unjustified from every perspective, and the results afterward have not been in benefit for the civilians of Iraq or for that matter the rest of the world. Saddam Hussein would not have been a leader of my choice for my people, perhaps not for you either. But clearly to take him down have not been good. What's your opinion of all of this?

It's true that Saddam Hussian wasn't a very good leader but in his time the situation of the Iraqi people was better than nowadays. Maybe he was a fool in my opinion because he fought unnecessary battles and wars that affected the people and the economy so much but at least we lived a better life in his time. Iraq used to stop the mass-immigration campaigns to Europe because Iraq was offering to host all the immigrants and offer them what they wanted if they worked hard because Iraq needed a lot of workers in the past, plus Iraq was a nationalist country. The people were united regardless of all the differences and this is what they didn't want. They wanted the people to fight each other, they wanted the nationalist soul to be destroyed and divide the people, and let the Islamic movements to raise and use the radical imams to trick the innocent muslims and make them terrorists and trolls to do their plans so this is why they destroyed Iraq.

5.now Iraq is fighting a war against the Islamic State, how is it going for you, both personally and for the Iraqi people?

Personally I'm glad and proud to say that the war against the Islamic and the terrorists in Iraq is about to end. They're controlling only some small areas in Mosul province but they still have some supporters here to do the terrorist attacks against the innocent civilians by car bombs etc. But we will take care of it and try to destroy all their supporters and their forces to make sure that we will stop them from expanding and spreading. The Iraqi people is united against the terrorism regardless of the differences between them, they're uniting day by day to stand together against terrorism. The Islamic State invasion was somehow beneficial to unite the people.

6.As you are fighting at the front you must have picked up quite a lot of first hand experiences and perhaps documents from the enemies (IS and their allies). Would you like to share any information about what they plan that could be of interest?

Yes, we found a lot of documents and files with the terrorists, talking about establishing a "new Islamic caliphate" and rule with "sharia law". Also talking about the plans to divide the people more and more and make them immigrate to Europe so the terrorists can pass safely to Europe as "refugees", hiding among the innocent real refuge seekers so they can do the terrorist attacks against the European people in European countries. The idea of this is to start racial hatred and a racial war between the European people and the other races, especially Arabs because Arabs and the European people fought side by side against the evil forces, so all the races fight against each other and destroy everything until no one can resist anymore so the hidden forces can dominate and rule everything easily without resistance.

7.The levante have a multitude of religions and cults whereas Islam, Christianity and Judaism in it's  different forms is the most important and this region is also the birthplace for those. How is the relations between all of these groups now after the "Arab spring"?

After the "Arab spring" real problems started to happen, because the raise of the radical Islamic movements. The "Arab spring" was a part of the plan to destroy everything and divide the Arabs more. The evil forces used another tactics instead of sending forces and start a massive war like what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan they decided to trick some people to fight for them. They just give them weapons, money and in the case of Libya, air support so they change the ruling regime without big losses on their side, only the people of the attacked country will lose.

8.Islamism is a topic that is unavoidable to bring up. In middle eastern countries that have had an Arab nationalist rule it seems to have been fairly moderate. While both Israel and USA have used islamists as proxy-forces. What's your opinion and experience of this?

The nationalist movements in Arab countries united the people regardless of their religions or beliefs. The major idea of the nationalist movements was (your religion is for yourself and your beliefs are with your god, but the homeland is for all the citizens). This is what Israel doesn't want, so they use the radical Islamic movements to divide the people and make the Arabs look like bloody radical people who hate and want to kill everyone doesn't follow Islam and want to dominate the whole world and make all the people muslims. According to my experience as an ex-muslim I can say that islam is a very complicated religion, and this is why the evil forces chose it. In the past people started to not follow everything in the Quran and in Hadith, people started to improve themselves, people was focusing on nationalism and on making their homelands better and live a peaceful tolerant life and respect the rights of everyone to follow what ever religion he wanted. But the evil forces don't want this, they want the people to follow the old radical version of Islam to do their plans.

9.As the turmoil have grown in size in the region beginning with the attack and invasion of Iraq in 2003 and a few years ago with the so called "Arabic Spring", that perhaps better would be called the "Arabic Autumn" lots of people have become refugees. It's can not be denied that western elites had a big influence in the outbreak. Now at the very least hundreds of thousands are shattered around various locations, some heading to Europe. The absolute majority of them that get here are men in fighting age (18-45). What's your opinion of this and are they regarded by the ones left behind as deserters?

As I say, it's always their plan, first they destroy the other countries and make the life hard there so the people of these countries would migrate and searching for a new place to live and get money and have a good life. They use this need to trick the people and especially the youths as we all know the majority of the youths are always trying to establish their own life and marry and have a family and live independently. So this need for good life-standards can be used as a tool to control those people and use them in this plan.

10.Much points at the fact that IS was designed by a hidden hand by forces that would use them as useful idiots. Is this something that is acknowledged in your country?

Yes it's acknowledged not only in my country, but in all Arab countries, but still there are a lot of people who don't know about this, so I always work to share the truth and let the people know.

11.Since the 14th of May 1948 the modern state of Israel where founded in Palestine and have after that day been the foremost aggressor in the region and caused lots of turmoil. Is their vision of The Greater Israel something to take seriously?

Yes of course, all these problems are a part of their plan to establish the "greater Israel", they want to not only invade all of Palestine but also to invade all the Levant, a part of Egypt, and a part of Iraq as they claim that god promised them to rule the land from euphrates river to the nile river. They couldn't invade these lands before, they tried but the Arabic armies stopped them and pushed them back to Israel and almost destroyed the state of Israel completely, so they're using alternative ways and tactics to make their dreams real.

12.Many Germans from the Third Reich took refuge in middle eastern countries after the war. Have some of them been of influence in countries like Iraq and Syria back in the days?

Of course they had, the people of middle east welcomed them and embraced their ideas and ideology more than before, especially in Iraq. For example my great grandfather was a national socialist, my grandfather was a national socialist, my father and my uncles are national socialists too. National socialism expanded here in Arab countries and affected the minds of many people.

13.A few days before I now write these questions for this interview it was revealed through DNA research that ancient Egyptians where closely related to south Europeans and the Levant. In the Middle East there have been lots of different migrations of peoples during the centuries. Civilizations like Babylon and Sumeria left lots of statues and idols depicting blue eyed figures. Older archeology have also stated through osteological research that vast areas where populated by racially white people of a Mediterranean character, just like the Egyptians. Is this ever talked about or recognized the area today?

I've heard many people here talking about it and they agreed with this fact and they said that the ancient Egyptians were white but after some years they started to mix with the black Africans and that caused some changes but they were originally white.

14.So I would first like to thank you for all of your answers and also wish you good luck in your life as well on the battlefield against the Islamic State!
What is your last words and advices for the readers?

Thank you for the good wishes, and I'd give this advice to all the readers; always use your minds and think deeply, never think or judge things superficially, and always put the doubt first so you can reach the truth.

lördag 15 april 2017

An interview with an Argentinian nationalist

Here is an interview I made with an Argentinaian nationalist that share he's opinions of he's country's struggle and of how he view our common nationalist aims in the age we live in today.

1.  Hallo! It's nice that you wanted to make this interview. Could you introduce yourself?

Thank you for having me! My name is Ignacio. I am a 21 year old male living in Milan, Italy. I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina and recently decided to move to Italy to study Sociology.

2, How does the situation look like in Argentina when it comes to immigration and domestic politics? I would say that most swedes at least are not aware that Argentina is a predominantly white country and probably have a picture of the country to be an other Mexico or Brazil more or less. How does the situation look like in Argentina when it comes to immigration and domestic politics? I would say that most swedes at least are not aware that Argentina is a predominantly white country and probably have a picture of the country to be an other Mexico or Brazil more or less.

I have the opinion that everything that happens in Europe, happens too in Argentina only a couple of years later. Europe started receiving big numbers of alien immigration from the 70’s onwards. Argentina started receiving massive immigration from neighbor countries in the mid 80 and 90s, still going on today. These numbers are well above 3 million today and the number is constantly increasing. This event has been tolerated and in recent years even promoted by the government, making immigration to Argentina super accessible and tempting for people in South America and Central America. Getting an Argentine passport is one of the easiest things you can do as a foreigner in today’s Argentina. Also Argentina is the better off country of the region, where life quality is highest and opportunities abound (for the regional standards). We have been a welfare state for the many decades now and are already used to it, so immigrants from Paraguay, Bolivia, Perú, etc. are drone to come to our country in order to receive those benefits and services from the Argentine state. This has proven disastrous for native Argentines as we saw our taxes being spent in services for foreigners and our jobs literally being occupied by immigrants offering cheap labour. And yes most probably Swedes might picture Argentina as another “latino" nation. The thing is we have major differences culturally and ethnically. Argentina is the second country in the world that received the most immigrants from Europe. Our population is vastly made up of European descendants and although the mestizo percentage is quite significant, it’s not comparable to the rest of the countries of South America (with the exemption of Uruguay). The last decades the progressive and leftist establishment have done a quite successful campaign to make us believe South and Central American countries are all brothers and equal culturally and ethnically, trying to dismantle our heritage and identity and unluckily, many young people think alike them nowadays. Unless action is taken, we are headed to more immigration, further social engineering and becoming a minority in our own land, same as in Europe.

3, Peronism is a native Argentinian political movement that have had clear fascist traits mainly adopted from the Spanish Falangist party. Interestingly they have had a left and a right wing block. How is this today and could you tell something about this that can be quite confusing for non Argentinians?

Peronism has to be the most debated issue in the last 70 years of Argentine history. Since the very first years, you could be either pro Peronist or anti (which would make you a Radical (UCR)). One extreme or the other. I am sincerely in two minds regarding Peronism. There are many things that I admire about it and absolutely approve and support. But I can’t ignore the fact that in consequence of some policies applied by Perón, we are still today struggling with derived problems from those ideas. I can’t really tell if it is due to corruption of the ideals, or bad execution or what, but the defects are clear to see. Nowadays, the people who align themselves with Peronism would be considered the left wing peronists you mentioned. But they couldn’t be farther from Perón's original mindset. Modern Peronism is nothing but aggressive and corrupt, leftist, progressive and liberal ideals, embodied by the Kirchners and their puppets. Waving the flags of false nationalism they have captured the lower classes vote and aligned politically with Chavez’s Venezuela.
The right wing you mentioned also exists but is quite small and still weak. This people do follow Perón’s original ideals and policies and present themselves as what they really are, Nationalists. But as I said, I can count these groups with the fingers of one hand and most are just powerless groups of people that think alike. Nationalism in Argentina has been cleverly dismantled and suppressed since the last Perón presidency, but it is starting to emerge again as people are getting sick and tired of the lobbies currently in power and leftist brainwashing. Just recently the biggest group of right wing Peronist got recognized as a political organization, which gives you an idea of how small the movement still is.

4, The struggle of today to get a sane an healthy society is just as important as it ever have been, if not more urgent. Is there a movement or organization that spearheading the interests of your people present day?

Yes there are a number of groups nationwide. Most are local groups of people that think alike and organize volunteer missions to help and improve the community. Others stay totally under the radar. But most are still small and the general public is unaware of it’s existence. As I mentioned before the biggest one just got recognized as a political party. They are the PSR which stands for Proyecto Segunda Republic (Project Second Republic). Ideologically they’ve taken many aspects from Perón’s Peronism, as well as some ideologic influences from Fascism and National Socialism. They have an internet streamed show where they develop on national and international affairs (also in english). They also organize what they call a “Cabildo Abierto” which was a typical Hispanic institution during the Colonial Era, which basically are massive meetings where they talk and discuss ideas and future projects. The PSR movement has a very solid intellectual leadership, but it’s approach towards the general public has been cleverly simplified to attract as many people as possible.

5, Argentina broke away from Spain and was declared a sovereign nation in 1816. You have Spanish as your official language and I assume is part of the same cultural sphere. Is there close ties to Spain today and how does this affect you? You're studying in Italy at the moment. What is your impression of that country and the mother continent at large?

Indeed, we became a sovereign nation in 1816. Since the very first Spanish Conquistadores, our territory has been under domain and influence of the Hispanic Cosmology. It is interesting to compare throughout the centuries how the political, cultural, social and intellectual situation in Spain had big impact and influence in it’s territories in America and elsewhere. It is not minor that when Spain was invaded and occupied by french governors only then did most American colonies broke off from the Spanish Crown, some taking advantage of the situation, and others being loyal to the rightful monarch. As years passed Argentina got rich and received around 8 million European immigrants, which most where Italian, Spanish and German. And at the same time our intellectuals and governments became more and more french-like and tried to imitate them in every way possible. And this french “spirit" of the revolution can only violently collide with the Hispanic Tradition, which proved to be too damaged and weak to stand it’s ground. And so Argentina started loosing it’s cultural connection with the Hispanic Traditional Spirit. And given most immigrants where (combined) not Spanish, in only a matter of decades, Argentina quite shifted on it’s feet and embraced a new identity. Still, today we can trace undeniable influences from Colonial Spain and the Hispanic Cosmology. Now talking about recent years, Argentina has just left a 12 year government of the Kirchners, which was characterized by progressive, leftist and marxist policies. It is sad to admit that they have been quite successful on trying to portray Spain as a bad influence and as an oppressor in our history. This defamation actually started at least 30 years ago, but it intensified in the last decade, breeding an entire generation of Spain haters. Everything that tied us and related us with Europe was to be denied and ridiculed. All of our heritage and history was to be erased from the argentine’s mindset and be replaced with the “Latinoamerican Brotherhood” which to simplify is nothing but Marxism both culturally and politically (communism). This defamation and brainwashing went hand in hand with Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela. Luckily, during the 2015 presidential elections, the Argentine people voted Kirchner out and Mauricio Macri came in as a new political alternative. Macri is no savior but at least he represents a more transparent political line and is bringing back our commercial and political relations with the Western World, repairing the damage left by the Kirchners. On a personal level, only one of my grandmothers has Spanish ancestry and I am proud of it. I am actually reading a book that elaborates on the Hispanic influence and it’s role in universal history. It’s called “Defensa de la Hispanidad” by Ramiro de Maeztu. I think every Spanish descendant should read it and everyone that is interested in Western Catholic history too. Only in recent years have I began to understand the magnitude of Spain’s accomplishments in history and it’s value, for so long looked down on in Argentina. The PSR also has great esteem on the Hispanidad and it’s Virtue and Tradition.
I am indeed in Milan, Italy. My first impressions have been quite a mix, but sadly there has been a lot of disappointment. Perhaps I was a bit naive when I first arrived expecting something different. What I have encountered here in Italy is a general state of decay. Be it the cities, the people, the politicians, everything. I see a passive, disinterested people, defeated in a way. I can’t see much of a fighting spirit. It seems as if everything was degenerating and Italians are just flowing with it, with little to no resistance. Although this can be seen in the entire West. What I particularly noticed is a very lost youth. I see groups of teenagers or young adults in the street, absolutely immersed in their own issues with no consideration for what is going on around them. I see disrespectful attitudes towards their elderly, I don’t see any chivalrous acts anymore. Young men in Italy have developed a ridiculous care for fashion and appearance. Boys and girls alike pay more attention to the shoes they are wearing than to contemporary political discussion that may potentially change their lives forever. The Italian youth (and I dare say the entire western youth) is under a narcissistic, individualist and superficial influence, largely imposed by marxist oriented education in schools and universities. And this can lead only to worse conditions and further degeneration of what we once held sacred here in the West.

6, Have you been in contact in real life with nationalists in Italy, and what do you think could be gained when it comes to ideas and practical matters when it comes to politics that you can bring back home?

 I yet haven’t been in contact with nationalist groups here, but will in the next few weeks. of course nationalist groups here in Europe are far more developed and successful than in Argentina at the moment. Being in contact with this groups can prove very helpful to act as guidance for the Argentine and South American groups, exchanging ideas and fomenting partnerships and brotherhoods. Most groups in Argentina, as I said before, are still quite small and don’t do much more than meet-ups and eventual rallies. We definitely need to expand our areas of influence and have a broader approach to society, such as CasaPound here in Italy or Hogar Social Madrid in Spain.

7, You are very good at English I would say, it's a good quality in this day and age when English after all is the lingua franca. What do you think of a wider cooperation and exchange between our European [whites outside Europe included] struggle?
What I consider to be insane social ideas is unfortunately widespread in Western Europe, like LGBTQ rights, feminism, Marxism in various variations etc. Are Argentina and South America facing the same menace? And how does that go about?

I think it is of critical importance to get as many people involved in the movement as we can. Excluding whites born overseas is absolute madness. Our movement should not be about countries and borders and “passports”. It’s about identity, and identity is largely based upon race. Europeans and whites born outside of Europe are both in the same boat. We follow the same goal which is to preserve our existence. Claiming that we are not white/europeans because we were born in America or Australia is like claiming a black man in fully Swedish because he was born there. By denying our ancestral heritage, you are actually denying the entire principle of identity and race, and without it, our entire movement would collapse. We should not fall for chauvinistic nationalism. Identity is not written in papers, it is written in blood. By recognizing us as brothers we can increase our forces and supporters and fight together to achieve our common goals, and in the end, preserve our civilization and our very own people. Cooperation and brotherhood between the European nations inside and outside Europe is crucial for our survival and final victory.
 Quite shamefully Argentina is fully immersed in those toxic ideas you just mentioned. Cultural marxism has grasped a strong hold on young and middle aged argentines (specially form low and middle lower classes) and their lobbies (including LGBT) are considerably powerful and successful in shifting our traditional values. Argentina is actually one of the first nations in the region to implement and promote such ideas, later expanding to neighbor countries. Intellectual institutions are vastly controlled by marxists and those ideas also have strong influence on our Senate and Congress. Feminism is also massive between young women, whilst men don’t really sympathize with the movement as the feminists have proven to be quite aggressive and irresponsible on their protests and demonstrations, besides being vile against men calling for our demonization. Of course not all feminist women act like savages, but they still support the movement which is quite shameful. I believe the widespread feminist battle cry “Ni Una Menos!” originates from argentine feminists. That phrase stands for “not another one” in reference to women that have been killed by their husband or boyfriend, calling it “gender violence” which can be easily proven (by any sane individual) to be just violence and non gender related. Also since the 70’s there has been a growing support for Socialists and even Communists taking the Che Guevara as an emblem and other figures of Marxist history as heroes. Supporters have been involved in vandalism, irregularities and are known to have ties with similar groups from other South and Central American countries, also involved in criminal or terrorist activities. As if having such a twisted and toxic mindset wasn’t enough…Argentina is under the same extortion as Europe is. We are facing the defamation of our fatherland and history, we are mocked everyday by the leftists and the immigrants, our values and traditions are spitted on by the establishment and we are being swarmed by massive numbers of non-whites. The times are quite critical and unless rapid action is taken, we might as well become another brown latino country in a matter of a few decades.
Still we should not loose hope. Thank you for the interest and questions. Never give in to despair. Vincit Omnia Veritas.

torsdag 20 oktober 2016


Jag har haft ett intresse för svensk stormaktstid sedan barnsben. Detta var något jag utvecklade ganska så tidigt och stimulerade bland annat med ungdomsböcker utav Olov Svedelid. Där fick man följa med på spännande äventyr med skeppsgossar och andra karaktärer beroende på vilken utav böckerna det var frågan om. Men utöver det så fanns det givetvis historieböcker om svenska segrar och förluster och andra öden som jag läste och förundrades utöver. 

Det bör påpekas att jag inte ser mig direkt som någon rojalist men en jag måste säga att jag absolut beundrar kungar som exempelvis Gustav Vasa, Gustav Adolf Den Store, Karl XI, Karl XII och Gustav III. Det var män som gjorde vad plikten krävde i de tider då de regerade. Att jag nu inte direkt har mycket till övers för kungahuset idag är en helt annan sak. Sedan bör det understrykas att dåtidens krig och konflikter med våra brödrafolk i Norden eller för den del Ryssland och andra länder var dåtidens realitet och ingenting som vi bör applicera på vår samtid idag. 
Det är min åsikt att de som kämpat och försvarat vårt folk och vår nation gjort det för framtida generationer och sett till att landet har hållits svenskt. 

Jag är för en Nordisk Union, en modern Kalmarunion. Men det är ingenting som jag ser är något som går stick i stäv med att jag högtidlighåller mitt folks bravader i gångna tider även då detta har vart mot våra nordiska brödrafolk. Visst är det beklagligt att vi har krigat mot varandra och alla de sorger och fasor det dragit med sig men som tidigare nämnt var det dåtidens realiteter inte dagens.
Dåtidens kalmarunion var med facit i hand något som inte var en union där samtliga länder styrde tillsammans, det var centraliserat i Danmark där hela maktstrukturen fanns. Det var då rent av en nödvändighet för svenskarna att slå sig fria. 
 Idag är det nog ingen skulle jag våga säga som skulle vara fientligt inställda exempelvis danskarna som har vart en av svenskarnas ärkefiender, och låt det så förbli. 

Nutidens realitet är att det varken är önskvärt med någon form av konflikt med våra brödrafolk eller chauvinism gentemot varandra. Vi har betydligt större problem att ta itu med idag, gemensamt. 

onsdag 21 september 2016


Here is an interview with Sébastien de Boëledieu who is the international spokesman for CasaPound. And I kept this interview in English as I thought it could interest a lot of people to read it.

1. Hallo Sébastien! Great to have you! Could you introduce your self and tell the readers what your occupation is in the organization you represent?

I have been a militant for Casapound for the last 7 years but I have been involved in politics since I was a teenager. For Casapound, I am responsible for the international relations.

2. How was CasaPound founded and how have it evolved from the start till the present day? How many members so you have, (it's understandable if you won't give any exact number)?

Casapound was born from the housing emergency. At the time, and even now as it is not solved yet, housing in Rome was getting really expensive due to corruption in the public housing programs and speculation of owners. The idea of occupying empty building aimed at giving a roof to Italian families and also to promote laws to help resolve this situation. Casapound was occupied [the first occupied house I assume (interviewer)] in 2003 but became a polical movement in 2008 as it's ideas spread all over Italy. Casapound is a movement not a party as it's actions are not restricted to the political field but can be found in social actions, sport, music, international missions... We also participated at various elections and obtained encouraging result knowing our radical positions and Italian political scene. We now have more than 5000 militants and more than 60 locals all over Italy.

3. CasaPound is known for occupations of buildings, somethings that is usually seen as a strategy used by the left. But CPI didn't let the reds have patent on this. How many buildings have you in control of now? According to the Swedish Metapedia article the information is from 2010 and says 57. To me is seems like you're building a state within the state, that which to me looks like a winning concept in Italy.

As I explained before we occupy buildings with a precise goal which is helping Italian families. It is one tool we use when it's necessary or possible. Most of our locals are rented and paid by our militants as we receive no help from the state, which is the  difference with most of left wing associations.

4. Social work seems like a very important part of your activities. How have these been greeted by common people that is not part of your movement?

We have a great reception from the people. In the years we proved we were able to run camps to help people after the Abruzzo and the Emilia Romania earthquakes. We also participate in humanitarian mission in Burma, Syria, Kosovo. Our militants get a fair amount of problem defending our people against clandestine immigration or defending families at risk of loosing their house. Of course we see the results having always more people following us, asking for our help or voting for us. In the last year, we had militants elected in city council and we tripled our voters in Rome.

5. Culture, like art, music and related stuff also seems to be central in your activities. How important are those things for your movement, and could you please tell the readers about what you do?

We are a mouvement in this way, we have a global vision of our society. Art, music, books are in this way really important fields that cannot be abandonned to others. They are also tools to get our message to the people, especially to the youngest ones.

6. Italy have had a very living nationalist movement in post-WW2 Europe compared to many other countries. And then for instance it's MSI that comes to mind that had quite good voting polls in the early 1970's. How do you think such things have affected the people's attitude in Italy until present day?

Italy inherited a glorious revolution led by Mussolini. The country in these years became a modern one and a lot of things dating from this period still work or can be visible, in architecture, infrastructure but also in the laws (public medicine) or celebrations. MSI maintained a living part of this heritage as we also do now, but keeping in mind that if the spirit is still alive we have to adapt or answers to the present time. The memory of fascism is still vivid in Italy and often for what fascism did well on contrary of what the so called left wing intellectuals try to make us believe.

7. Your student organization Blocco Studentesco is something here in Sweden that we only could dream of. That's because universities is probably the most infested places here by Cultural-Marxism. What do they do and what have they achieved? Why did you chose the lightning as a symbol any adherence to sir Oswald Mosley's ideas?

Blocco Studentesco has the ear of a lot of students because these militants are students and don't hesitate to challenge the marxist establishment. It is also a great school for militants that learn fast how to behave and be couragous. The circle is the community, the lighting is the force and the justice-symbol of Jupiter. Clearly it is also a reference to Mosley.

8. As previous mentioned you have a student organization. But you also have other organizations for various purposes. What do they do?

We have a lot of associations. From civil protection to humanitarian [aid], sport, mountain trekking, martial arts, office for legal and administration help, artists groups, music and tattoo studio. We have a hotline available 24/24.

9. One thing that catches the eyes at first glance at CPI is that you don't seem to be especially locked into a specific category like many others. You have created something own I would dare to say instead of being overtly nostalgic about the past nationalist movements. Instead it seems fresh and alive instead of some type of reenactment. How's your view on this?

Years ago a journalist who wanted to laugh at us wrote that we were "fascist of the third millenium". On the contrary we made this our description. We are fascist and proud of our heritage but we have to face different problems that the original fascist regime had  to solve. The spirit is there, the exemple of courageous ancestors that made this possible but it would be shameful to try to make a copycat. We are not nostalgic. Casapound militants have enough respect to not put Mussolini's face on lighters, wine bottles or underwears like you can sometime see. We don't wear uniforms that the historical fascists wore with their courage, not because we want to cut with them but for respect for their fight.

10. In 2011 representatives from you visited The Nordic Resistance Movement in Finland. NRM is a national socialist organization that to some degree have a similar strategy as you. But how is your view on other countries nationalist movements, is there any concern about the ideology etc?

We are European and we see our fight for the entire Europe. On the other hand, each country has it's political culture. We don't pretend to teach anything to anyone as our work is primarly in Italy. With this said we closely look at what is happening  elsewhere. It is my duty at Casapound, to host or visit comrades. We have close links with some groups like Alba Dorata or Hogar Social in Madrid.

11. You have also been active in foreign aid for example for the Karen people, and in support for the Assad regime in Syria. Can you tell about how this have been working and the reason for this?

We started with international help years ago defending and helping people that fight for their identity. It participate also of a logic that if we want to solve massive immigration we should look into a more global situation where countries like Syria are a guarantee of stability and that corruption and economic colonization should be expeled from Africa.

12. Is there much problem with the Italian regime that tries to silence and harass your members, and what about the violent part of the far-left in your country are they a big problem?

We have no public help. Our access to the media is really low except to contest us. Police represion is harsh and some of our militants risk heavy condemnation (some have already been sent to jail for more than a year). Clearly we face powerful ennemies and a strong police force that permanently monitoring us. It is the prize to pay for our efficency and being condemned for defending your country is surely not pleasant but it is also a source of pride. The left wing movement don't interest us. We defend ourself if needed. They are "Anti", we are the solution and we are not vanishing.

13. Different countries evolve differently because of underlying reasons imbedded historically, socially and culturally. Here in Sweden the extreme media climate have created a very strong alternative media. Probably one of the strongest in the world today because of this, and almost exclusively it's nationalistic. Is alternative media strong in Italy as well, and is this an important tool for you?

We run a radio, online newspapers and they are surely useful due to our lack of access to mainstream media. It is obviously a thing not to underestimate.

14. Have you been involved in any parliamentary work or is all focus on realpolitik?

We went twice in election by ourself which is really difficult in Italy considering that with the proportional vote parties must make alliances. We decided to run alone to not to have to endorse others views that could be contrary to our principles. In the last year, this strategy was encouraging as some of our militants got elected in average size cities. In Rome we tripled our votes and got really close to go elected. We had twice the amount of voters than the former regional president. Rome did not get build in one day!

15. If I might ask how the is official view on religion in CasaPound, if there are one? After all none can deny that it's probably one of the biggest questions of the era we live in. No matter if we like it or not.

Casapound is an Atheist movement. Some of our member are catholic by faith or tradition, some try to live by antique principles, some are purely atheist. We are all fascists.

16. Last, what is your wishes and goals for CasaPound, Italy and Europe as a whole? And I thank you very much for taking your time to ask all of these questions!

We fight to win and make Italy and Europe great again. I think it is obvious. Thank you for the interest!

måndag 19 september 2016


Efter andra världskriget kom en form av skönlitteratur växa fram som en egen genre, med bakgrund till den enorma katastrof som drabbat Europa och hela världen satts i brand.
Nya förödande vapen som atombomben hade också uppfunnits och dessutom var en stor del av kapprustningen mellan västvärlden och de kommunistiska länderna. Atombomben, ett vapen som kunde förvandla tiotals mil i radie till aska på ett ögonblick. Pandemier var också något som oroade folk,  och gör än idag, varvid kärnvapen fått ta mindre plats bland folks farhågor. 
Den här skönlitterära genren kallas 'Post-Apokalyps' som är det som vi skall granska nu. 
Ovan har jag nämnt några av skälen till varför den är typen av litteratur kommit till och fått gehör. Det är inte speciellt konstigt trotts allt om man tänker på alla sorters katastrofer och apokalyptiska scenarion som skulle kunna utspela sig då det går riktigt illa.  Dock är det nog väldigt otroligt att man kommer få uppleva en Mad Max-värld eller någonting stil med The Walking Dead eller varför inte Fallout. 
Men varför, utöver de möjliga hoten, fascineras människor över en i ärlighetens namn väldigt dyster framtid? Enligt min egna analys tycker jag mig kunna se ett mönster. 
Många människor idag kan omöjligt uppleva den typen av äventyr som en gång kunde som upptäcktsresande, eller som nybyggare i Amerikas vildmarker. Livet som många har känns tämligen tomt, man gör till jobbet och arbetar i 9 timmar, känner knappt sina grannar, super till det på helgen, drömmer om någon semester en gång om året osv.. Man arbetar inte för sig själv på samma vis som man gjorde förr, det spirituella och sociala är obefintligt eller väldigt torftigt. 

Är det då konstigt att tanken skenar i iväg till en fantasivärld där man får kämpa med livet som insats och där allt du gör spelar all roll i världen för din välgång och överlevnad? Nej vågar jag hävda. 

Vad vårt folk idag behöver är en mening med tillvaron, känns känslan av att de är en del av kedjan. Att de är länken mellan det förgångna och framtiden. Att de gör något konstruktivt och viktigt för sig själv och de sina. Att de känner att det finns en högre mening med sin existens. 

Hur kan man finna detta? Du som läser detta är höst troligtvis redan där på ett eller annat vis. Det är genom kärleken och vördnaden för vår ätt som vi kommer kunna stå stadigt när världen stormar omkring oss eller då monotonins sövande stiltje fördunklar tillvaron. 

söndag 11 september 2016


Jag hade en konversation med en vän för lite sedan där han undrade varför folk (män i synnerhet i det här sammanhanget) inte är lika idealistiska eller har disciplinen att kunna trotsa döden även då den flåsar dem i ansiktet som de var förr. Då soldaterna stod knä om knä med musköter och marscherade i led och med stor säkerhet kunna träffas av blyregnet som piskade mot leden på vardera sida om slagfältet. 

Vi hade lite olika teorier som vi lade fram, religion var en av faktorerna som bägge av oss höll med om. Detta då säkert 90% av dem var fullt och fast övertygade om att de skulle knacka på pärleporten då de gick vidare. Jag menade på att detta var en faktor men inte garanti att det var den enda eller ens den främsta. 
Min tes bygger snarare på en lång rad av skäl till hur dåtidens dödstrots var skapad. 

Man måste först se till hur levnadsförhållanden var för gemene man/kvinna på den tiden. Största delen av befolkningen var bönder, pigor och drängar. Ett av tre barn dog troligtvis innan de blivit fyra år gammalt. Att dö i barnsäng var långt ifrån ovanligt. Maten var ensidig, drastiskt med våra mått mätt. Öl, svagdricka, fisk och gröt var till stor del det du fick äta morgon middag kväll, om du hade mat på bordet. Medellivslängden på 1800-talet och bakåt var ungefär jämförbar med hur det ser ut i Afrika idag. När du var 40 år så var kroppen ofta utsliten på grund utav hårt arbete, perioder av undernäring och allehanda skador. Läkarvården var många gånger lika förödande som själva skadorna, om du ens hade tillgång till dåtidens läkarvård. Sjukdomar, missväxt, krig och svåra vintrar var en del av livet precis som allt det övriga som nämnts. 
Auktoriteter av olika slag var centralt, var du dräng så var det något du troligtvis hade fortsatt med tills dagen då du blev nedgrävd sex fot under jord. Ditt stånd var vart du hörde hemma.
Kyrkan hade också sin makt, och den kom du inte undan. Och mycket mer där till. 

Folk levde nära döden, den var inte någonting som vi idag är väldigt frånskärmade ifrån. 

Som man kunde du dock bli antagen till armén och då fick du en viss garanti till både mat och brännvin. Kanske även ett litet torp du fick ha hand om.
Kontentan är att hela livet och samhället formade ett helt annat förhållningssätt till livet och döden. Trots olika kulturer och varierande materiellt välstånd så såg livet ut så här i hela Europa längre bakåt i tiden. Detta var något som hängde med ända fram tills efter första världskriget, ett krig som var så förödande och tillsynes meningslöst att det rubbade hela civilisationen. Men sällan beror förändringar på en sak alena, marxism och annat hade även slagit sina klor en stor del av befolkningen och med det gav det också upphov till att ära, heder och auktoritet ifrågasattes eller sattes på ända. 

Tillslut  fanns enbart det här dödsföraktet och självdisciplinen kvar som en del av kulturen i länder som Tyskland, Spanien, och Italien. Inte var det för att de led under fruktansvärda livsförhållanden likt tidigare utanför att det fortfarande värdesattes. Livskvalitén var god och olika former av välfärdssamhällen hade byggts upp där folkgemenskap rådde.
Som vi vet segrade inte dessa länder i det långa loppet. 

Efter andra världskriget kom sakteligen liberalism i olika former såväl som marxism att fortsätta bryta ner samhället ytterligare och göra folk andligt tomma, göra vardagen monoton där enbart snabba kickar och föreställda självförverkligar kom att ta plats. Och där är vi idag och vi är på tröskeln till en ny epok. Vart den leder vet vi inte, men vi bör göra allt i vår makt för att styra skutan i rätt riktning. 
Dagens samhälle leder inte till nya Leif Eriksson, Vasco Da Gama, Engelbrecht, William Walles, Sven Hedin eller andra människor som inte var var rädda för uppoffringar. 

lördag 10 september 2016


Närheten till jorden är otroligt viktig för att vi skall känna oss till freds. Det kan röra sig om närheten till skogen och annan grönska som urbaniserade människor lider brist utav.  
Folk som däremot växer upp på landet blir lätt hemmablinda och har höga förväntningar på hur mycket bättre det är att bo i en stad. Dock visar det sig att människor inte är gjorda för den typen av liv vilket är föga förvånande.  Psykologiska studier vara detta i all tydlighet. Människan har trotts allt levt sin absolut största del av existens i naturen och det är bara ett kort litet ögonblick som vi har trängt ihop oss i städer och avskärmat oss från självaste moder jord.

Inte bara vita människor lider under dessa levnadsvillkor, så kallade naturfolk jorden runt har haft otroliga problem med depression och drogproblem pågrund utav att deras naturliga levnadssätt blivit omkullkastat. 

Betyder detta att vi skall återgå till något sorts primitivt nomadliv eller leva som amishfolket? Självfallet inte! Men det vore önskvärt att vi försöker skapa en kultur som tar vara på både tekniken och den naturliga närheten till naturen. 
Bäst mår nog människor i mindre samhällen och byar där de som förr har tillgång till en egen trädgård där de kan odla litet och känna sig delaktig naturens cykler. 

Själv har jag odlat väldigt småskaligt i år, främst för att experimentera för att se vad som fungerar och vad som inte fungerar framöver. Detta gjorde jag tillsammans med min son för att han skulle känna just den här samklangen och få förståelse för den och förhoppningsvis också lära sig något han också. Det jag odlade var till största del kryddväxter och sallad då jag fann att vi skulle ha mest nytta utav det i förhållande till den hur småskaligt det var. 
Nästa år skall jag ta vara på dessa kunskaper och expandera detta.